Traditional Home Tour

Traditional elegance is how I would describe the home of Carole and Buddy Stalling in Lynchburg Virginia. You enter into a grand foyer with a spiral staircase, beautiful wallpaper, an exquisite mirror and antique botanical prints that came from England.
To the left is the formal dining room filled with sentimental heirlooms and antiques, and a fabulous crystal and silver epergne as the table centerpiece. The portrait is of Col. John Banister from Petersburg, Va (b. 1734 - d. 1788). He was a delegate from Virginia to the Philadelphia Congress in 1778 and was one of the signers of the Articles of Confederation. My favorite is the grand sideboard with the candlabras, silver service, and antique knife holders.
Dining room
Crown moulding and oriental rugs are present throughout the home. The living room is filled with more antique furniture paired with updated upholstery in rich colors. The antique miniature highboy chest is made of burl walnut. Carole and Buddy Stalling collect original paintings from their travels and have quite a beautiful collection in every room.
Living RoomLiving roomLiving room
On the way to the master bedroom is a glassed in hallway similar to a greenhouse filled with various potted plants and hanging baskets.
As you step out the side entrance, there is a beautiful garden. Currently the geraniums, seedum, hydrangea, and impatients are in full bloom.
Side Entrance
BirdbathOn the patio
As you head to the backyard, there is a full bricked in patio perfect for entertaining, complete with a built-in grill. There is also a guest house in the back for out of town visitors. Nestled in the woods, it is truly a private retreat.
<span class=PatioGuest HouseOn the patioGardenGarden Backyard gardenBirdhouse
Thank you Carole and Buddy for the tour!
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