Bright Bold and Beautiful : A Thoughtful Place

Courtney of A Thoughtful Place is the next host in my BB&B guest post series,

"What is bright, bold, and beautiful to you?" Thank you Courtney

Hi there! I am Courtney from A Thoughtful Place and I was so honored when Laura invited me to be a part of this fantastic series. Bright, Bold, & Beautiful immediately caused me to think about Tobi Fairley. She is a designer based out of Little Rock, Arkansas. Her dedication to bold colors and prints has captivated me from the first time I saw one of her spaces. There is something so enticing about her bold sense of style. Here is a look at her very own home which was recently featured in Traditional Home. I am most struck by her attention to detail and amazing mix of pattern and texture.
A Thoughtful Place
A Thoughtful Place

A Thoughtful Place

A Thoughtful Place

A Thoughtful Place

A Thoughtful Place
A Thoughtful Place
Now that's a playroom! My daughter would simply flip over the use of pink in this room. As for me, I love to incorporate bold patterns with a touch of nature. Living in Southern California affords us the chance to be outside most of the year. I love the feeling of bringing the outdoors in to many of my spaces. Here is a peek at our dining room as well as an adjacent patio.
A Thoughtful Place
A Thoughtful Place
A Thoughtful Place
The most beautiful part of any design is the feeling that it evokes. I treasure the times spent with my children and husband in our home. Even better are the relaxing summer mornings drinking coffee and listening to the kiddos play. There is nothing more bright, bold, or beautiful than that sound. Laura, thank you so much for letting me spend time over at your gorgeous blog. Such a treat.
Other guest posts you may have missed:
Emily of Name 5 Things
Cassie of Hi Sugarplum!
Eleni of My Paradissi
Marissa of Roost
Jenna and Jessica of Simply Bon Vivant
and to view the whole list, click here

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