Bright Bold and Beautiful: Black | White {Side by Side}

Maggie of Black|White {Side by Side} is the next host in my BB&B guest post series, "What is bright, bold, and beautiful to you?" Thank you Maggie!

Three of my favorite adjectives... bright, bold, and beautiful. Thank you, Laura, for allowing my contribution to your series! I selected one focus for each category and looked no further than to Pinterest for related images.
Bright. Sequin and Metallic Swimwear.
Guaranteed to put a pep in your step and improve your beach body confidence :)


life is a bikini
Bold. Black and White Wallpaper.
I love the impact of a bold pattern in a small space such as a bathroom or entry. BAM!
dog wall paper


Beautiful. Infant Photography.
These images nearly make me tear up. Nothing is more beautiful than new love.



credits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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